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Join us October, 6th 2024 in longmont, co

High Plains Bank - Longmont Gravel was founded by the team who brings you Ned Gravel and NedNed Trail Fest. We've developed a reputation for fun, inclusive and expertly run events and Longmont Gravel continues that tradition. 

Longmont Gravel is a celebration of cycling in Boulder and Larimer Counties and is designed for all riders with an emphasis on increasing ridership of all groups of people and increasing awareness of cycling safety on all of these popular routes. 


We believe that all people deserve a place on the starting line. From experienced racers to first timers, casual riders looking for a new challenge and weekend warriors looking to crush a Strava PR. Men, Women, Non-Binary and BIPOC riders are welcomed here. There is a place for you on our starting line. 

We are offering three courses (33 miles, 71 miles and 110 miles) all of which, we believe, offer their own challenges but also are approachable for most riders. 

There's no technical sections, big mountain climbs or intimidating rocky descents. All the courses offer a variety of gravel roads and pavement. We carefully selected the paved sections to not be too busy with regular traffic and should hopefully be an enjoyable experience for everyone.

Don't forget that the after party is at Left Hand Brewing! You'll be able to enjoy some great beers, great music and a great time celebrating your accomplishment. 


Check out our three incredible courses!

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33 Miles - 956' Vert

Gentle rolling hills along North Boulder gravel roads and bike paths


71 Miles - 3200' Vert

Gentle rolling and smooth roads before hitting the big climbs around Carter Lake.


110 miles - 5,100' Vert

This ride is mostly pavement but don't let that fool you into thinking it'll be easy! You'll hit the Carter Lake climb 2.5 times.

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Weekend Schedule

Saturday:  4-7PM Packet Pickup & Shakeout Ride                                                       Location: TBD

Sunday: 6:00am - Parking and Packet Pickup Open

               7:30am - Triple Course Start

               9:00am - Double Course Start

               9:30am - Single Course Start

               11:00am - Music Starts

                1:00pm - Awards

                3:00pm - Expo Wraps Up

Longmont Gravel is presented by Peak to Peak Endurance.
Peak to Peak Endurance is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, based in Nederland, CO. Our mission is to support youth activities and programs in greater Peak to Peak area. Money raised from Longmont Gravel goes directly back to our communities to ensure a vibrant and sustainable youth community. We also proudly support local programs.

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